Wednesday, August 24, 2011

wishful thinking | day one

b. happy's has finally arrived! today was our grand opening and it was a smashing success. we spent years talking & dreaming about what this day would be, and it exceeded every expectation. the once dreary lot across from trader joe's has been transformed into an urban oasis. our simple chic boutique restaurant/art cafe is perfectly nestled into the space, surrounded by the most gorgeous drought resistant garden and eco friendly paved lot. it's hard to believe this is ours!
every detail is delicious; from the recycled wooden plank ceiling to the concrete floor. the current art work on display is incredible, and every piece sold today. we are already on the look out for new artists to display their works in our humble happy place.

5 minutes of visualization: i pictured myself outside in the small seating & dining area, surrounded by smiling faces. thinking of this dream becoming a reality definitely made me happy, but quite suddenly i felt a tinge of sadness in knowing it was make believe...

think a happy thought

in a [very] rare moment of relaxation, i came across an article regarding the positive affects of wishful journaling. of course we all know stress is a killer, wreaking havoc on our health, but i was completely unaware that journaling positive thoughts & wishful thinking can actually improve one's health. according to the Journal of Positive Psychology, a simple 15 minute journal entry of your hopes & dreams followed by a 5 minute visualization of actually experiencing those things led to a more optimistic outlook on life than those who simply write about their day.

i'm going to give this a test drive, journaling my hopes & dreams for the next 30 days. while i obviously won't know for sure if this act has improved my health, i will certainly know if it improves my overall attitude.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

looking in the mirror

do it! take a good look in the mirror and laugh.
make a funny face, do a ridiculous dance, and laugh.
out loud, at yourself.
it's incredible how refreshing this can be after a long day.

this morning my husband locked our daughter in the car.
it was early, she was sleeping, and was never in danger...but how was i to know any of this?
i received the call during a company meeting and assumed my husand was playing a bad joke on me. when i realized he was serious, i ran out of the building and drove like a bat out of hell to rescue our 10 month old truffle. i arrived at the scene to find my husband completely relaxed, playing with our babysitter's children, not even the slighteset bit concerned.
sometimes it is a difficult decision; shall i laugh or shall i cry?

Friday, August 12, 2011

starbucks, suckers!

i'd like a grande add shot 2 pump classic latte, over ice.
or better yet, make that a grande americana with 2 pumps classic and a splash of nonfat.
what is the difference you ask?
basically $1.50.
is it because saying the word "latte" is somewhat therapeutic?
is it because, like me, you have no idea what an iced americana is?
is it because we are all suckers?
perhaps…but let me share this with you now.
a grande iced americana with whatever sweetener or lack thereof you prefer, is three (3) shots espresso over ice. you can add water, milk, or soy. you can add whatever you want.
the bottom line is this drink is $1.50 less than an iced latte.
now go order your iced americana and start saving some dinero on your daily starbucks habit.